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2011年11月04日 11:11 来源:中国新闻网 参与互动(0)  【字体:↑大 ↓小

  中新网11月4日电 B20会议即商业20国集团会议,在G20(二十国集团峰会)期间同期召开,由20国集团中各国主要企业参加。今年G20峰会的轮值国为法国,故B20会议也同期在法国戛纳召开。会议主要讨论经济政策、金融法规、国际贸易系统、发展、反腐败等十一个主题。娃哈哈集团董事长宗庆后作为中国代表在会议上进行了发言。




  中国.杭州娃哈哈集团有限公司董事长 宗庆后


  Suggested Policies on Solving Problems of the Development of World Economy

  B20 Summit Speech

  Zong Qinghou, Chairman, Hangzhou Wahaha Group Co., Ltd., China

  November 3rd, 2011


It has been 3 years since the U.S subprime crisis triggered the global financial crisis in 2008. Each government has made unremitting effort in combating the crisis, but sadly the measures are not effective enough and the world economy is now on the verge of a double dip. In my opinion, the reason for the setback of overcoming crisis is that we haven’t actually understand the causes of the crisis, thus the measures we have taken are hardly correct and the situation is getting more serious.


1. The Causes of Economic Crisis


I think the most basic principle of economy lies in the division of labor and exchange of goods. Since the primitive society, a hunter can exchange his extra prey for grain from a grain-planter, meeting the needs of both sides. Until modern society, this principle actually has not changed, only the division and exchange has become more complicated. In fact, the root of current crisis is the imbalance of wealth creation and distribution: there are less and less people creating wealth while more and more people demanding wealth; the wealth created is not enough to meet everyone’s need, thus it resulted in an economic crisis.


For example, Europe has long adopted a high tax and high welfare policy. People who work or don’t work enjoy similar life standards, thus some people are unwilling to work anymore and the number of people who create wealth decreases. United States has long engaged in the development of virtual economy while ignoring real economy. Virtual economy cannot create wealth but only distribute wealth. The Wall Street speculators grabbed all the money in the financial market into their own pockets through various financial “games” and no doubt caused problems in the end.

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