发布时间:2022年09月26日 09:54 来源:中国新闻网
位于宋庄的“声音艺术博物馆”内陈列着琳琅满目的老北京物件,单是鸽哨就有好几种样式。这是秦思源记忆中的“北京声音”,更是他收集“中国声音”的初始站。几年来,这位长着西方脸孔的声音艺术家四处寻访,用声音记录为中国的发展注脚。(甘甜 翟璐 郝云晖)
Sound artist Colin Chinnery has been collecting sounds from across China for the past 10 years. Speaking with a Beijing dialect, he is now working on a sound museum of 6000 square meters in Songzhuang, east of the capital city. He has lived here most of his life and has witnessed the city change over time. "Beijing is really home for me," he said.
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